.NET Framework, Software Development

Boxing and Unboxing in C#

If you’re coding in C#, one of the fundamental aspects you’ll come across is the concept of boxing and unboxing. As a fundamental pillar in understanding the C# language, we’ll take a closer look at these terms and discover how they are used in everyday programming.

What is Boxing?

Boxing, in simple terms, is the process of converting a value type data (like integers, boolean, char, etc.) into reference type data (like object). The .NET framework automatically does this conversion process, which allows value types to be treated as objects.

Consider the following code example:

int value = 123; // value type
object boxed = value; // boxing

In this case, the integer value 123 (a value type) is boxed into an object type.

It’s important to remember that boxing involves some overhead. The operation requires allocation of a new object (containing the value) on the heap and the copy of the value into the new object. This can impact performance when you’re dealing with large quantities of data.

What is Unboxing?

Unboxing, conversely, is the process of converting a reference type data back into a value type data. Essentially, it’s the reverse of boxing.

Here is an example:

object boxed = 123; // boxing
int value = (int)boxed; // unboxing

In the above example, the boxed integer object is unboxed back into an integer value.

It’s important to know that unboxing is an explicit conversion process and requires type-casting. Also, the data type you’re unboxing must be the same as the original data type, otherwise, you will get a runtime exception.

When are Boxing and Unboxing used?

In most cases, boxing and unboxing occur implicitly. When we need to store value types in data structures that only store objects, boxing comes into play. However, modern .NET has Generics, which can hold any type, reducing the need for boxing.

Here’s a scenario in which boxing occurs:

ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); // ArrayList stores objects
int number = 10; // int is a value type
list.Add(number); // number is boxed

Unboxing is used when we need to retrieve the value type from the object:

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
int number = (int)list[0]; // unboxing occurs here

The Cost of Boxing and Unboxing

While boxing and unboxing are integral to C#, it’s crucial to be mindful of their cost. As boxing involves creating an object on the heap, this can lead to increased memory use and pressure on the garbage collector. Unboxing, on the other hand, can throw a runtime exception if the type is incorrectly specified. Hence, when performance and efficiency are concerns, aim to reduce unnecessary boxing and unboxing.

To minimize boxing and unboxing, consider using generic collections List<T> instead of ArrayList, which stores objects and hence requires boxing for value types.


Boxing and unboxing are powerful features of C# that allow for flexibility and dynamism in handling different data types. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Understanding these concepts will help you write efficient, effective code and avoid potential performance pitfalls.