.NET Framework

Blazor: Say Goodbye to JavaScript and Hello to C#-tastic Web Development!

Are you tired of writing web applications with a bunch of different languages and frameworks? Well, have no fear because Blazor is here! No, not the 90’s haircut, but the latest and greatest in web development technology.

Blazor is a framework developed by Microsoft that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# and .NET. That’s right, no more JavaScript! You can now write your frontend and backend code using the same language, making your life a whole lot easier. Plus, who doesn’t love writing in C# amirite?

When should you use Blazor? Well, Blazor is a great choice for .NET developers who want to build web applications quickly and efficiently, as it allows for frontend and backend code to be written in the same language (C# ).

But wait, there’s more! Blazor is also known for its performance. Since it runs on .NET, it’s much faster than other JavaScript-based frameworks. So not only will you save time on development, but your application will also be lightning-fast.

Now, onto the limitations of Blazor. Unfortunately, Blazor isn’t perfect. One of its biggest limitations is that it’s still relatively new, so there may be some bugs and issues that haven’t been discovered yet. Additionally, since it’s built on .NET, it may not be the best choice for those who aren’t familiar with the language.

Overall, if you’re a .NET developer looking for a fast and efficient way to build web applications, then Blazor is definitely worth checking out. Just be aware of its limitations and make sure it’s the right choice for your specific project.

We’ll discuss the topic later in the blog but in the meantime check the official documentation:
