JavaScript, Software Development

What is Deno? Why use it instead of Node?

If you have been developing long enough you have spent the past several years witnessing how JavaScript, the lifeblood of web development, has been evolving at breakneck speed. One of the most exciting and talked-about changes of late has been the emergence of Deno.js, a new runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, designed to address some of the perceived weaknesses of Node.js, the traditional JavaScript runtime.

So, I wanted to shed some light on what exactly Deno.js is and weigh in on its advantages and drawbacks as a new tool in the JavaScript developer’s toolkit.

What is Deno.js?

Deno.js, launched in May 2020 by Node.js creator Ryan Dahl, is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript built with V8, Rust, and Tokio. It was designed with a focus on improved security, simplicity, and an updated software design to address the shortcomings Dahl perceived in Node.js.

The Pros of Deno.js

Improved Security: In Node.js, a script has free access to the network and file system, which can potentially expose systems to significant security risks. Deno.js addresses this by running scripts in a secure sandbox by default, with explicit permissions needed for access to files, the environment, or the network.

Built-in TypeScript Support: TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, is gaining popularity due to its scalability and robustness. Deno.js offers first-class support for TypeScript, eliminating the need for additional tooling or transpiling before running TypeScript code.

Simpler Dependency Management: Deno.js uses URLs for loading and managing dependencies, similar to web browsers. This approach eliminates the need for a package manager like npm, which is required in Node.js. This mechanism also avoids the notorious “node_modules” folder, simplifying project structures.

Standard Library: Deno.js comes with a robust standard library that includes many essential utilities, reducing reliance on third-party packages.

The Cons of Deno.js

Young Ecosystem: As a relatively new technology, Deno.js does not yet have the wealth of libraries and tools that Node.js has built over the years. Developers may find that some tasks require additional effort due to the lack of ready-made solutions.

Compatibility Issues: As Deno.js does not support Node.js modules out of the box, migration from Node.js to Deno.js can be complex, and some existing Node.js modules may not work without significant modification.

Performance: While Deno.js promises improved security and cleaner architecture, this does not necessarily translate into better performance. As of now, benchmark tests show that Deno.js is slightly slower than Node.js in several use cases, although the gap is decreasing as Deno.js continues to be optimized.

Learning Curve: While many of Deno.js’s features simplify development, there is still a learning curve associated with these changes. Developers familiar with Node.js will need to adjust to a new set of tools, practices, and principles.

The Future of Deno.js

While Deno.js is promising and addresses many issues prevalent in Node.js, it is still in its early stages of adoption. As such, while it is an exciting tool for developers to explore and experiment with, it is yet to replace Node.js as the primary JavaScript runtime in professional development environments.

With its active development and an increasing number of companies experimenting with it, Deno.js is a project to keep an eye on. Its focus on improved security, streamlined development processes, and modern software design principles make it a compelling choice for the future of JavaScript development.

Remember, the choice between Node.js and Deno.js will depend on the specific needs of your project. Whichever you choose, it’s clear that JavaScript’s journey into the future remains exciting and full of potential.

Url: Deno — A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript